had lots of time lately to think. not sure that it is always a good thing - but some of what comes out can be. seems that for the most part i am a dreamer and while this may require a bit of thought with my head - mostly it consists of just feelings from my heart. but recently (well the last 11 months or so..) i have been thinking so much about the church. it has taken me quite awhile to come to love a church - but i am starting to. guess you can see this from a lot of my past entries too. i should just note that most of my experiences in this area have been in american southern baptist church - so you know where i am coming from in the sentences that follow. i have been wondering lately what church could be like. what it could be if people actually tried to live like christ and really follow his teachings. these are all just dreams and thoughts of mine - but i thought i would share with you. and if you have some too - i would love to hear them.
i dream of a church that loves people for how they come. one that loves people for who they are - not who they could be. a church that doesnt look down upon the ones who show up how they are - while those others try to put on a show for everyone else there.
i dream of a church who wants to be challenged. a place where people like being uncomfortable. a place that has no room for stale traditions and ceremonies that no longer mean anything. a place where people are allowed to think for themselves and are not told what to think. a place where it is all right to disagree with each other and still be brothers and sisters.
i dream of a church that has no room for intolerance. a place that is free from sermons on abortions and homosexuality and issues of intolerance to drive people away from christ. but a church that has enough boldness to teach the love of christ. a place that will no longer support the segregation of sunday mornings in america.
i dream of a church united, where denominations are meaningless. where in towns we worship together and dont fight. where children are not brought up to think every other house of worship is not wierd just because they may not worship or act exactly like you may.
i dream of a church where people dance. i dream of a church that cries, sings and laughs. one where the rocks need not cry out in real worship because the people refuse to do so. one where art it embraced and encouraged. one where the people are open to new things and changes and dont bitch and moan when they dont get their way.
i dream of a church that doesnt lie. one where the actual bible is taught - not one where we do things just because that is how they have always been done. one that doesnt make up rules for living for me. one that realises that christianity is not a morality code, but a way of life.
i dream of a house of prayer. one who cries out to god on behalf of the nations
daily. one whos people realize that their brothers and sisters are worldwide and they need our help. one whos only prayers are for its own peoples prosperity. a church that can see that most of our nations "problems" are pretty small in comparison with millions of peoples hunger.
i dream of a church where the preacher dosnt make six figures and thinks that it is ok. where the people in our churches would not let this happen. a church that would take care of people who needed it. a church that sends out missionaries everyday into the world and into our communities.
i dream of a church whos people dont need to be preached at. who dont need to be spoon fed everything and told how to act. one whos people come because the want to - not out of obligation.
i dream of a church based on relationships. real feelings, real hurt, real happiness. one that wont pass out a tract so they dont have to spend time and get to know a persons needs and feelings. a church that takes care of people - no matter how great the cost.
i dream of a church that is not concerned about membership numbers and what the return is on the dollars we spend, but knows it is all kingdom work. and knows that the kingdom is here now.
i dream of a church where everyone is equal. where you do not have to be a deacon or an elder to serve communion. where everyone is treated with the same respect. a church where the people who give more money would not have more say in what happens. a church free of politics and all the shit that goes along with it.
i dream of a church that preaches environmentalism. a place that realises that the kingdom is here now - and we are stewards of this great earth. one who doesnt spend thousands of dollars printing and throwing things away every week.
i dream of a church that will help my friends want to know christ, not give them every reason in the world to run far far away. i dream of a place where christians dont see themselves as better than the world and my friends in this world. a place where we dont only socialize with ourselves.
i dream of a church who wont condemn. whos people will love and not talk about people when they are hurting, but instead love them as christ did.
i dream of a church that is in love with the poor. not by giving some money - but by opening their doors and hearts. by not looking at those different than us with a wild eye. a church who loves those that christ so loves.
i dream of a church not in love with capitalism and shackled to the american dream. i dream of a place that doesnt preach a prosperity gospel when there are millions who dont even know where their next meal will come from. i dream of a christian who puts gods dreams in front of their own.
these are some of my dreams. i want these things to change in me first and foremost - and it is hard. but i think these are some of the things christ would have wanted.