thoughts about jesus, travelogs, and anything else i can find swimming around in my head....

more for you to see...

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the whole square

house on the square

another house on the square

linds in telč

another end of the square

kostel sv Jakuba Staršího

houses on the square in telč

telč zámek

2 Responses to “more for you to see...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    As always, LOVE the pics... How are things going after the dreaded send-off??? I'm thinking of you and Lindsay both -- you seemed to be a great fit... ;)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hey girl - things are alright. just really missing her.. kinda hard when your best friend is all of a sudden gone. but i will see her soon... how are you? i will see you soon though. will be home in july...

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  • me...will
  • where...Kenya
  • an american living in kenya, chasing dreams and the shadow of my god...
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