thoughts about jesus, travelogs, and anything else i can find swimming around in my head....

my response...

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“i have a few words to tell you. if you know you are planting and will never reap, why waste your time? dying people should be left to die..”

“no. if i have to bring up a child, let me bring up the one with a future.”

“i don’t like wasting time. I think such children should not even exist.”

“i would only bring it up if i am guaranteed that this kid is impotent. But if normal – no. You know why? I will be in the front line in spoiling the world..”

“positive(HIV) people should be thrown in a deep pit and be buried. They don’t have to exist.”

“bringing up such a child means i want AIDS to dominate the world. “

“please. I hate wasting time, and that is wasting time. why should i do that?”

“no, because my husband cant agree. he hates people with AIDS..”

“no such a thing should ever come to a normal persons mind..”

the question was this: Could you bring up (foster or adopt) a baby who is HIV positive? out of almost 40 people who were surveyed only about 5 gave any kind of positive answer. the above were just a few examples of the remaining responses given. this is just a bit of research that has been done in preparation for the new baby centre that will be opening in conjunction with Limuru Children Centre. it will be a rescue for babies with HIV that have literally been thrown away. maybe it shouldn’t surprise me that there are people who think this way in the world. maybe i shouldn’t get these knots in my stomach that i get when i read these responses over and over. maybe i shouldn’t get so damn mad about such things – but honestly i do. i find myself biting my tongue and searching for the right emotion, that i can never seem to find..

i see children everyday who have HIV - we have a few at LCC – and many more in the villages surrounding the centre. i wish you could see their beautiful faces. i wish you could look into their eyes and catch a glimpse of their souls. and if you could only hear their laughter.. none of these thoughts would ever cross any human being’s mind. what child has a choice in what they are born with? why do some deserve so much more than others? (another question that i find myself asking quite regularly) who gave anyone the right to pass judgment on a single one of these children or think that they are better than these? are we so quick to throw away a life? what if a vaccine is invented next year?

ill just ask this.. Can one day you look your father in the eyes – and expect him to say well done my good and faithful servant – if we allow this ignorance to perpetuate? how long will ignorance prevail?

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