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missing march madness

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so just came to the stark realization this morning, that i have basically missed every bit of college basketball season for the first time in many many years. this is not something that is really easy to swallow. some of my fondest memories are of taking a 2 hour lunch break watching frantically the first rounds seeing if my picks were worth a damn. quite fun actually. but on a more positive note - i am starting to see more and more signs of spring poking his head through.

the weekend is over and the week is now underway. lately my weekends have been filled to the brim with good times and great company. late nights and amazing conversation. so the weeks are starting to kinda be a time of recovery. so much fun though. and i would not have my weekends any other way. i can always sleep when i am dead and i will enjoy the company that i have found as much as possible. after all you never know how long people will be in your life and when they may go. i just want to suck every drop i can outta things.

2 Responses to “missing march madness”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    perhaps we should get a final-four pool going. UT all the way!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    yeah - my problem is that i dont even have a team in it this year either. wont be nearly as much fun for me....

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