thoughts about jesus, travelogs, and anything else i can find swimming around in my head....


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kinda starting to have my doubts that it will ever be warm here again. once again i walk out of my front door, only to find a nice blanket of fresh snow on the streets. needless to say i wasnt too happy about this at 615 in the morning going to my furthest class. oh well - life here continues to be good inspite of the cold. still not sure what i will be doing this summer yet - and is seems that there are constantly more factors being thrown in the mix. so frustrating - but i guess it keeps it exciting. so really - that is what has been going on. just teaching and living. visitors are starting to come and the next few months should not lack for excitement. i just hope spring really is on the way somewhere and did not get lost...

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  • me...will
  • where...Kenya
  • an american living in kenya, chasing dreams and the shadow of my god...
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